Volume Synopsis:
Office worker Ryoma Takebayashi had an unpleasant life and an unlikely death, but the gods of a parallel world reincarnate him as a boy with great magic abilities and all memories intact. After Ryoma registers with an Adventurers' Guild, his first challenge is protecting a town from an epidemic. Will his modern-day Earth knowledge and advanced slime skills be enough to halt a plague?!
release date:October 12, 2021
format:Trade Paperback
trim size:5" x 7-1/8"
page count:192
age rating:Teen
genres:Action / Adventure, Drama, Isekai, Light Novel Tie-In
Other Volumes
By the Grace of the Gods, Volume 1
By the Grace of the Gods, Volume 2
By the Grace of the Gods, Volume 4
By the Grace of the Gods, Volume 5
By the Grace of the Gods, Volume 6
By the Grace of the Gods, Volume 7
By the Grace of the Gods, Volume 8
By the Grace of the Gods, Volume 9
By the Grace of the Gods, Volume 10
By the Grace of the Gods, Volume 11
By the Grace of the Gods, Volume 12