Art book, original novel, and manga series set in the universe of the decadent and haunting worlds of the video game series NieR.
NieR:Automata - YoRHa Boys
NieR Art - Koda Kazuma Works
YoRHa - Pearl Harbor Descent Record - A NieR:Automata Story, Volume 1
Grimoire NieR: Revised Edition
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… Project Gestalt Recollections--File 01 (Novel)
NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139… Project Gestalt Recollections--File 02 (Novel)
YoRHa - Pearl Harbor Descent Record - A NieR:Automata Story, Volume 2
YoRHa - Pearl Harbor Descent Record - A NieR:Automata Story, Volume 3