The second official art book showcasing the "Visions" from "WAR OF THE VISIONS"
We are proud to present a digital version of WAR OF THE VISIONS FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS – THE ART WORKS II to commemorate the end of Part 2 of the main story.
This beautiful art book will immerse Global version players even deeper into the world of WOTV.
While this book was previously released in Japan, the content of the Global edition has a few differences: in addition to information on units original to the Global version, there is an interview with the SQUARE ENIX art team of WOTV (which includes a special link to bonus video contents!).
As a special bonus, it contains WOTV artwork, which is featured as a poster in the printed version, by Yoshitaka Amano, famous for many of the memorable character designs, logos, and illustrations across the entire FINAL FANTASY series!
Now available in ebook stores worldwide! Check with your favorite local vendor.
Physical edition is now available at Square Enix eStore.